It's getting warmer and warmer in Wanosato.
The flower have started to bloom like photo.
What pretty flowers...!!
We hope you have a good time with strolling in the gardedn. : )
皆様どうぞ、お庭の散策をしながら初夏を御堪能くださいませ。Here is the main dining room.
The scenery that you can see from that window is very pretty.
The chef will cook the Japanese traditional food while you watch.
Please enjoy the chef's performance in addition to the nice food.
外の景色と料理人の腕と料理の味をお楽しみいただけます。We will introduce our guests this time.
They are young couple whit their son.
Long time ago, Madam has come to Wanosato as a child with here parents.
She had eaten "Onigiri"(rice ball) at here.
It has become a good memory now.
She said that I want to eat four big "Onigiris" with my family around "Irori"(hearth)in those days.
It's her request. So we served them four big "Onigiris".
It looked delicious the way they ate it.
And she said her son;
"When you become an adult, bring your kids here! Are you all right?"
Good memory has taken over from parents to children.
We will probably always become happy every time we remember them.
We had the privilege of witnessing a historical moment.
素晴らしいお客様の記憶と心に触れられた瞬間でした。At last deep spring has come to Hida-Takayama.
Cherry blossoms are in full bloom around town.
There is a lot of nature here so it is a nice place to spend time in.
臥龍桜だけではなく、まだまだ満開です!These pictures are Garyu Zakura.
Cherry blossoms are in half bloom.
Until a little more, when they will be in full blossoms!!
臥龍桜、五分咲き!!あと少し!Though it's April, it is still cold.
We had little snow last night!!!
We are tired of the cold weather,we really wish it was warm spring...
昨晩雪が降り、雪の薄化粧が施されました。There's an old big cherry tree near the Wanosato.
Its name is "Garyu Zakura."
It's designated national natural treasure.
It's coming out soom!!
We are looking forward to flowering cherry blossoms.
先付 山菜白和え
菜種 蝶々られし
前菜 ぼらうるか 桜長芋
才巻海老 蛤酒蒸し
折菜辛子和え 白魚紅梅煮
吸物 油目 蕗
桜の花 木の芽
造里 岩魚のお造り
焼物 筍姿焼き
合物 飛騨牛最高ランクA5等級陶板焼き
山葵 にんにく塩
酢の物 飛騨牛もも炭炙りの博多
新玉ねぎ 茗荷
唐辛子 大根おろし
うるい 叩きだれ
留椀 筍御飯
香の物 お漬物諸々
水物 レアチーズケーキの桜ソース掛け
Seasonal menu 【April】
Sansai-Shiroae(mauntain vegetables with tofu paste.
Natane(papeseed) Raresi(radish) with Balsamic vunegar.
Kinome‐ae(vegetables garnished with a pepper-bud dressing).
Ebi no sibani(Boiled grass shrimp with soy sauce and sweet sake).
Hamaguri-sakamusi(Steemed clams with Japanese sake).
Orina(green leafly vegetable of Hida-Takayama with mustard).
Koubaini(Boiled Japanese lcefish with soy sauce and sugar).
Aburi-Torigai(Broiled Japanese egg cockle).
Greenling butterbur, Carrot
Cherry blossom petals, Leaf bud
Iwana(Char fish)
Sayori(Half beak), Shiraebi(Japanese grass shrimp).
Japanese professionally and beautifully arranged vegetables
and seasoning.
【Main dish】
Top grade Hida-Beef steak
Wasabi, Garlic-salt, and sauce.
【Broiled dish】
Broiled bamboo shoots
Broiled red snapper soft roe with leaf bud.
【Side dish】
Charcoal grilled Hida-Beef.
Fresh onion, Japanese wild ginger, red pepper,
Grated Japanese radish, hosta grass, and sauce.
Japanese steamed rice with bamboo shoots.
Assorted Japanese pickled vegetables.
Japanese rare cheesecake with cherry blossoms sauce
and Apple braised in red wine.Pick up time has been changed as follows from 17-March 2018.
(JR Takayama station⇒Wanosato)
①14:20 ②15:20 ③16:20 ④17:20
①14:10 ②15:10 ③16:10 ④17:10
①14:20 ②15:20 ③16:10 ④17:202018年3月の御献立です。
先付 木の芽の白和え
わらび 菜種
られし 桜長芋
前菜 お雛様寿司 菱餅真丈
白魚桜煮 鯛白酒焼き
吸物 蛤の吸物
うぐいす菜 柚子
造里 岩魚のお造り
合物 飛騨牛最高ランクA5等級陶板焼き
山葵 にんにく塩
蒸物 桜鱒の桜蒸し
酢の物 里ふぐ昆布〆 とび子
独活 若布 胡瓜
のびる モロヘイヤ酢
留椀 菜の花と帆立の御飯
香の物 お漬物諸々
水物 レアチーズケーキの桜ソース掛け
Seasonal menu for March
Kinome-shiroae Leaf bud dressed with tofu paste.
Warabi(bracken) Natane(rapeseed) Rareshi(radish) Nagaimo
(chinese yam)
Hina-Sushi(Sushi like the Hina doll)
Hina-ningyo is a special doll wearing a traditional Japanese
for doll’s festival.
Hishi-mochi・Shinjoyo Fried/steamed pasted shrimp like the
Hishimoti is lozenge-shaped rice cakes/red white and green.
Hishi-mochi is Hina festival’s Japanese sweets.
Mitarashi-dango Rice dumpling in a sweet soy sauce.
Stewed Whitefish with sweet sake. Baked Red snapper with Japanese Sake.
Karasina(Mustard greens).
Cherrystone clam
Uguisu-na(Young greens). Carrot. Yuzu(small citrus fruit)
Iwana(Char fish)
Manjyugai(shellfish) Sayori(Half beak)
【Main dish】
Top grade Hida-beef steak
Wasabi、Garlic salt and sauce.
Green salad and Ume(Japanese plum sauce).
【Boiled dish】
Steamed trout with leaf of cherry tree.
Turnip covered in a thick starchy sauce and mountain herbs.
【Side dish】
Catfish with marinated kelp and soused eggs of flying‐fish.
Udo(Japanese local plant) Wakame(Seaweed)and cucumber.
Nobiru(Japanese local spring onion) and Jew’s mallow with vinegar
【End of the course】
Rice seasoned with Hotate(Japanese scallop)and Nanohana(the rape‐
Assort of Tsukemono(Japanese pickled vegetables).
No‐baked cheesecake with cherry blossoms sauce.
Apple braised in red wine.We appriciate customer's sweet words.
It makes us nice and warm.
It is heart-warming to see it in the biting cold.
We will be happy if our customers are satisfied with our service.
先付 トリュフと絵胡麻の白和え
前菜 大豆と小柱の含め煮
金棒丸十 鬼麩 鰯土佐煮
恵方巻 福豆
吸物 ねぎま蒸し
トロ 焼き飛騨葱
芽葱 酢橘 柚子
造里 岩魚のお造り
煮物 鰤大根霙餡かけ
菜種 焼き葱
白髪葱 ふり柚子
合物 飛騨牛最高ランクA5等級陶板焼
山葵 にんにく塩 肉だれ
強肴 あんこう鍋
柿の木茸 水菜 葱
留肴 季節の野菜
帆立焼き霜 られし
留椀 雑炊
香の物 お漬物諸々
水物 苺のムース
Seasonal menu for February
Truffle and Natane(rapeseed) dressed whit tofu paste.
Stewed soybean and adductor muscle of sellfish
Datemaki(rolled sweet egg omelet)
Stewed sweet potato
Onifu(Fu:bread‐like pieces of wheat gluten)
Tosani(Simmered Japanese pilchard with dried bonito and soy sauce)
Ehomaki(sushi roll eaten during Setsubun)**
Fukumame(broad bean) It is meams many happiness beans.
**Setsubun literally means “division of seasons”and is derived from the old
lunar calendar.
Negima(spring onion)
Toro(fatty tuna) and baked spring onion
Green onion sprouts, Sudachi(species of Japanese citrus)
and Yuzu(small citrus fruit)
Iwana(Char fish)
Northern shrimp and Geoduck clam(shellfish)
Boiled dish
Simmered amberfish and Japanese white radish
with thick starchy sauce.
Natane(rapeseed), Boiled spring onion,
Fine strips of raw cibol, Yuzu(small citrus fruit)
Main dish
Top grade HIDA beef steak(with seasonings)
Wasabi, garlic salt and sauce.
Side dish
Anglerfish hot pot
Japanese mushroom , Mizuna(potherb mustard),
spring onion, monkfish liver
End of the course
Seasoning salads
Hotate(Japanese scallop) part seared
and Radish(Japanese radish).Japanese plum sauce
Refresf dish
Assort of Tsukemono(Japanese pickled vegetables)
Strawberry mousse, Chocolate, Warm fresh cream